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Audit and Valuation

Reduce risk and maximize recovered value with ReluTech’s complete IT asset disposition (ITAD) services: decommissioning, data erasure, value recovery, and compliant e-recycling.

Data Center IT Hardware Leader

ReluTech Certified

Decades of Experience

ReluTech’s founders have been leaders in the secondary hardware market for decades. Worldwide distribution networks coupled with unparalleled expertise in servers, storage, and network equipment ensure that you get the absolute maximum value for all assets that are retired or decommissioned.  

ReluTech Certified

Maximum Valuation

Manufacturer-specific product leaders can give you a fast, accurate, and thorough evaluation of all your Enterprise IT hardware. Our specialists can conduct an audit at your facility or ours, providing a complete inventory of all IT equipment down to the component level. We can then provide our customers with the best valuation in the industry, due to our worldwide network of customers for components, parts, and excess equipment.

ReluTech Certified

Enterprise IT Specialists

Other ITAD providers turn to us for data center equipment. This means you can be assured of maximum value from ReluTech when decommissioning enterprise IT equipment.

ReluTech Certified

On-Site or Virtual Audits

ReluTech can administer onsite audits of any data center environment, providing a detailed inventory of all assets. Thorough documentation of each machine and serial number can be reported for your internal audit purposes, to determine asset valuations, or to verify fixed asset counts. In addition, offsite “hands-free” audits and valuations can be done using discovery tools or customer provided documentation.