Avoid the pressure to switch to Broadcom’s new bundles. Retain your VMware products for as long as you need, whether on a fixed schedule or indefinitely. Migrate when it makes sense for your business.
Need alternative VMware support? Check out vmCovered for maintenance and migration options. Learn more
ReluTech vmCovered support offers a comprehensive VMware maintenance alternative designed to ensure your perpetually licensed VMware products remain securely supported for as long as your business requires. vmCovered optimizes your VMware maintenance and migration processes while preserving your access to licenses, ensuring seamless operations and cost-effective management.
Avoid the pressure to switch to Broadcom’s new bundles. Retain your VMware products for as long as you need, whether on a fixed schedule or indefinitely. Migrate when it makes sense for your business.
We offer binding SLAs with 30-minute response times and six-hour target resolution times for critical VMware issues. Our service quality is unmatched.
Understand your licensing options before making any changes. We help you find the optimal balance between cloud solutions, new platforms, and your existing licenses.
Determine which of your products will remain with Broadcom, which virtualized workloads will transition to the cloud, and which will be supported vmCovered. We’ll help you develop a plan that ensures seamless integration of all your strategic decisions.
You don't need to rush into adopting new platforms or products just to maintain support after your current agreement expires. Additionally, you don't have to exchange your perpetual licenses for recurring subscription fees.