The Importance of Cybersecurity

As more and more devices are connected to the internet, cybersecurity is becoming an important issue. Cybersecurity is protecting hardware, software, and data from being compromised by unauthorized users. Whether it’s a corporate server, point-of-sale device, Alexa...

Data Center Maintenance Plan

Planning your data center maintenance strategy used to be easy.  OK – maybe not easy, but much easier than it is now. Today, the pressures have intensified, the timelines and budgets have shrunk, while complexity and risks have increased. It wasn’t that long ago when...

My Transition Into Technology Sales

“I think I want to go into sales…” is a phrase I hear a lot of my friends, who currently hate their jobs, say when they see the success others have obtained in a sales role. There is almost a façade around sales that it’s easy to do and you’re guaranteed success. I...