5 Reasons Employers Should Hire Swimmers

This blog was originally published on MarkAMetz.com A blog post about five reasons employers should hire tennis players recently grabbed my attention and thoughts. While I agree (and like to hire athletes in general), I feel the qualities possessed by a competitive...

The Best Sales Reps Are … Librarians?

I am lucky. I am able to work with a group of very talented sales professionals on a daily basis. I probably learn more from them every day than they could learn from me, but don’t tell them that! One of the fundamental skills ReluTech tries to reinforce in every...

Why People Buy (And Why They’ve Bought From Me)

IS THERE A SECRET OR HIDDEN FORMULA TO WHY PEOPLE BUY? Businesses are constantly trying to figure out why people sign on the dotted line and how to get them to do it more often. People make purchasing decisions for all sorts of reasons. There are plenty of sales books...