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Value Recovery

Reduce risk and maximize recovered value with ReluTech’s complete IT asset disposition (ITAD) services: decommissioning, data erasure, value recovery, and compliant e-recycling.

The best way to maximize value when recycling decommissioned assets from your data center is to NOT recycle. At ReluTech, we give you the maximum value for all your server, storage, and networking devices. As data center IT specialists, our team of industry experts can identify value in nearly every decommissioning project. Where other firms actually charge customers for ITAD services (like deinstallation, shipping, auditing, and recycling), ReluTech gives the majority of customers a check.

“ReluTech exceeded expectations in performing an onsite asset evaluation. We were able to take ReluTech’s categorized reporting to devise an internal billing service for our IT department.” – Chief Information Officer

Free and Fast Estimates

Within 24 hours, we can quickly provide an accurate value estimate of your data center assets.

Take Advantage of Our Industry Expertise and Customer Outreach

Our product specialists have decades of experience, so they know the fair market value of thousands of products and can tap into a global network of buyers.

Small and Large Projects

ReluTech can buy a single server or entire data centers full of equipment. We rarely encounter a project too small or too large.

Upfront Payments

ReluTech can usually give you a check upfront for audited data center gear. We can also ship equipment to our facility for audit and valuation.

Revenue Sharing Consignment Solutions

For some projects, it might make sense to enter into a consignment arrangement. This may be true for two situations: for equipment with high value but limited demand or equipment that needs to be shipped to ReluTech for accurate identification, audit, and testing before it can be sold.

Worldwide Capabilities

We have capabilities in over 50 countries, allowing us to handle nearly all of your global disposition projects. Additionally, our network of hardware buyers around the world assure maximum value for your assets.