6 Cloud Computing Trends to Pay Attention to in 2023

by Jason Figliolini | 2022-12-12 | Cloud Migration Blogs

Cloud computing is one of the most transformative technologies of our time. It has the potential to revolutionize how we work and interact with the world. As we move into 2023, there are a few key trends that we anticipate will shape the future of cloud computing.

Here are six cloud computing trends to pay attention to in 2023:

  1. The rise of serverless computing
  2. Increased adoption of containers
  3. More focus on data security
  4. The growth of edge computing
  5. The evolution of hybrid cloud
  6. The future of the public cloud

The rise of serverless computing

Serverless computing has given businesses a lot to think about in terms of their IT infrastructure needs. The serverless architecture industry share surpassed $7 billion in 2020 and will grow at a CAGR of 20% between 2021 and 2027. That's an impressive statistic, but what does serverless computing actually do? Put simply, serverless computing is a way for companies to run complex applications and services without needing a server at all. Instead, serverless computing relies on a system of "functions" that are triggered by certain events and then execute code.

This allows for greater efficiency within an organization's IT infrastructure as server resources can be used only when needed instead of having to idle until required. By taking advantage of serverless computing, businesses can significantly reduce the amount of hardware they have to buy and maintain, as well as limit personnel costs associated with server maintenance and support. Additionally, serverless offer potential energy savings making cloud environments that incorporate them greener and more sustainable for the environment as a whole.

The advantages don't just stop there either - serverless computing also provides scalability that traditional server infrastructures lack. As a result, organizations are able to easily adjust their requirements as per changing needs dictated by other business factors such as seasonality or customer demand. Serverless computing is rapidly gaining traction in various industries and increasing its foothold in cloud-based businesses thanks to the cost-savings and scalability benefits it offers. In short, serverless computing is quickly becoming an industry standard for those looking to make the most out of their IT investments while limiting operational costs in the process.

Serverless computing represents an important step forward towards making better use of available resources while still ensuring reliability and high performance from existing hardware solutions - both server-side and client-side. Consequently, organizations that recognize these potential benefits early on will benefit from doing so in the future too. It goes without saying that serverless computing is here to stay!

Increased adoption of containers

Container technology has seen a rapid rise in adoption over the last few years due to its many benefits. A container is a form of operating system virtualization that isolates an application and its dependencies for better portability.  This ensures applications will run the same regardless of platform or environment, advancing consistency across various computing architectures.

They can also end up substantially reducing the time it takes to provision new software instances, an important consideration during a time when velocity is a key focus within software development teams. For these reasons, containers have seen widespread adoption across industries such as defense, healthcare, financial services, manufacturing, retail, and more.

The most common names synonymous with container technology are mainly Docker, Kubernetes, and Linux containers. In addition, the growing popularity of cloud-native APIs and serverless solutions makes containerization even more convenient for end users since this technology allows for greater scalability and flexibility for system workloads when used in conjunction with existing infrastructure. Major public cloud providers such as Amazon Web Services (AWS), Google Cloud, and Microsoft Azure provide container registry capabilities to help manage container workloads.

The possibilities are virtually limitless when leveraging containers - from production readiness to cost savings. It's no wonder why their adoption rate continues to grow exponentially year after year. 16% of respondents from a global survey have said that containerization plays a strategic role in their business.

More focus on data security

Cybersecurity has become an increasingly important issue in today's digital environment. We live in a world where data vulnerability is the norm, and malicious actors can exploit our personal information to commit fraud or theft. In order to protect ourselves, businesses, and consumers, it's essential that we place a greater focus on cybersecurity. This means implementing measures such as Two-Factor Authentication login systems to ensure that our accounts are secure, encrypting or scrambling sensitive data stored on computers and servers, and having cybersecurity experts review networks for flaws that could be exploited by cyber threats.

Additionally, making cybersecurity awareness a priority in the workplace can have a huge impact on keeping both customers and employees safe in cyberspace. By taking proactive steps to prevent online crime from occurring and educating others about the importance of cybersecurity, we can protect ourselves from future harm caused by cybercriminals. With greater security awareness and protective measures in place, everyone will benefit from a more secure internet.

The growth of edge computing

Edge computing is an increasingly popular technological development that involves extending IT capabilities away from a centralized location. By moving processing, storage, and networking closer to the source of data, edge computing can help to reduce the cost and complexity of IT infrastructure while speeding up responsiveness and enabling innovative applications. In many industries, edge computing's cost savings have made it an attractive option for both small businesses and large enterprise operations.

At the same time, its flexible configuration and scalability make it useful in a wide range of industries including military operations, transportation logistics, and medical applications. By pushing data processing away from the cloud and closer to the source, edge computing provides faster response times going from milliseconds to nanoseconds with higher levels of security.

Edge computing has already been used in such diverse fields as automotive manufacturing, intelligent distribution networks, smart factories, and real-time healthcare monitoring systems - offering major gains in efficiency through improved accuracy and better performance. Edge computing does not replace cloud computing but instead complements it by working as a bridge between device interaction and complex cloud infrastructures when appropriate - creating an end-to-end continuum of online functioning from onsite data centers to public clouds that can optimally handle data analysis when needed.

Thus far, edge computing has proven invaluable in various industry verticals, helping firms respond quickly to changing customer needs while achieving enhanced results with improved security measures. As technology continues to develop it is poised to become an integral driver of business success well into the future.

The evolution of hybrid cloud

As digital capabilities become increasingly complex, businesses are turning to a hybrid cloud model to ensure that they can access the resources and services they need. A hybrid cloud computing approach is one that combines the benefits of public and private cloud infrastructures. Instead of managing all of their data and applications on a single, physical server, organizations can split their resources between on-premise data centers and third-party clouds.

With hybrid cloud deployments, businesses can take advantage of best-of-breed solutions without having to commit to one particular vendor. This flexibility allows them to make the most out of their data storage and application architecture investments. Hybrid cloud solutions also enable companies to quickly scale up or down depending on the needs of the business - from high-performance analytics tools to NFS storage for virtual desktops - with no service disruption.

As more companies embrace hybrid cloud environments for their IT infrastructure, new opportunities for innovation in the field continue to open up. With improved cost savings, agility, scalability, and enhanced security offerings all being enabled by this modern technology, there's no doubt that hybrid cloud computing is here to stay.

In summary, hybrid cloud solutions provide increased flexibility and scalability while bolstering security measures - ensuring that businesses have access to not just any solution they need but also the right solution at the right time. The evolution of this technology has been an important development in digital transformation as it enables companies to balance optimal performance with optimal cost savings - ushering in a new era of reusable resources and dynamic architectures within enterprise IT strategies worldwide.

By leveraging hybrid clouds within enterprise compute infrastructures - businesses gain higher levels of efficiency with lower maintenance costs; making them better positioned than ever before to remain competitive in an ever-evolving digital landscape while continuing to drive real value from both their big data initiatives as well as their core business operations overall.

The future of the public cloud

The public cloud, driven largely by Amazon Web Services (AWS), is set to be a major part of the technological landscape for years to come. Companies of all sizes are flocking to AWS and other public clouds for their scalability, flexibility, and cost-saving benefits. Thanks to the widespread availability of AWS, businesses can access computing power that was not available before. AWS' comprehensive suite of tools helps businesses compete in ever-shifting markets without having to invest in expensive infrastructure or IT personnel.

Security is also an important consideration when it comes to public cloud services, and AWS offers robust data encryption and authentication technologies to help protect businesses from malicious actors. While there are still challenges in transitioning fully over to AWS or another public cloud provider, its future looks promising as more organizations become familiar with its capabilities and seek out scalable solutions that fit within their budget. With AWS continuing to innovate and expand its offerings, the only way that the public cloud is headed is up.

What’s Next?

We’ve outlined six cloud computing trends that we think will be important in 2023. Of course, this is just a snapshot of what the future may hold for the cloud. If you want to stay ahead of the curve and make sure your business is ready for these changes, ReluTech can help. Our IT Divest program can help you jumpstart your cloud journey and make the most of all that the cloud has to offer.

ReluTech’s IT Divest Management Portal makes it easy for you to find the right services provider and get started on your journey. Not only does the portal provide you a single pane of glass to view all IT assets and associated maintenance contracts, but you can discover the current financial value of your IT assets. Throughout the duration of your migration, ReluTech can purchase your assets upfront or as they become available to help unlock today's capital value of your data center equipment to offset the costs of the migration bubble.

ReluTech's Elastic Maintenance, managed through the portal, can save you over 50 percent compared to OEM contracts, and it is all billed through AWS Marketplace. Easily request services associated with your migration: maintenance, equipment upgrades to avoid refreshes, or asset disposition services. Contact us today to learn more about how we can help you jumpstart your cloud journey!

Jason Figliolini

Jason Figliolini is our Marketing Director here at ReluTech. His top priorities are content creation for articles, blogs, and collateral to educate customers about cloud, hardware, and maintenance solutions. Outside of work, he enjoys reading books, attending concerts, and exploring Atlanta’s hidden gems. Get in touch with Jason: jfigliolini@relutech.com
