The Future of Third-Party Maintenance (TPM) in an AWS-Driven World

by Josiah Deegan | 2024-10-07 | Maintenance Blogs

Cloud is the undeniable trend in IT that is here to stay, but the reality for many businesses is a bit more complicated. As companies move to the cloud, with AWS leading the charge, they face a mix of both new opportunities and lingering challenges. One thing that's often overlooked? What happens to the equipment still humming in their data centers during—and even after—that cloud migration.

Of all the public cloud platforms, AWS stands out as the most mature and complete solution. From the powerful tools available to manage environments to the comprehensive APIs exposed for full automation, AWS has proven to be the superior choice for businesses looking to modernize. While no platform is perfect, AWS consistently offers a better, more reliable solution by far.

This is where Third-Party Maintenance (TPM) remains a smart, necessary choice. It’s not going anywhere. Businesses aren’t ditching their on-premises gear overnight. Instead, they're using TPM to manage existing infrastructure while navigating their AWS journey. That’s where ReluTech steps in. By offering TPM, we're helping companies optimize their hybrid IT environments while keeping costs down and ensuring they aren't tied into restrictive OEM maintenance contracts.

AWS Migration Doesn’t Mean the End of Data Centers

Migrating to AWS is a big step. But no one shuts off their data centers at the flip of a switch. Legacy systems, networking gear, and storage solutions remain critical for many businesses. ReluTech’s TPM services extend the life of this hardware, even as businesses prioritize cloud solutions.

With OEMs often charging sky-high prices for equipment that might be a year away from being fully decommissioned, TPM offers an alternative that saves money without sacrificing reliability. This allows businesses to move to AWS on their terms, maintaining the agility they need to operate smoothly during transitions. Additionally, this allows businesses to mitigate the “double bubble” by not having to pay for both the OEM hardware support and migration services.

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TPM Extends Value While AWS Takes the Spotlight

IT leaders often face the reality of long migration timelines. During that time, hardware in the data center doesn’t just disappear. ReluTech’s TPM solutions ensure that equipment continues to perform well, without the burden of costly OEM contracts.

The advantage is clear—your business gets the best of both worlds. You're investing in AWS for the future, but you’re not spending unnecessarily on assets that are still playing a role. TPM gives you flexibility, allowing you to focus on maximizing your AWS investment without worrying about the ticking clock on aging hardware.

Seamless Access to TPM Through AWS Marketplace

One of the biggest advantages of working with ReluTech is the ability to access our TPM services (Elastic Maintenance) directly through AWS Marketplace. For businesses already deep into their AWS journey, the ability to consume third-party maintenance via AWS Marketplace simplifies procurement and budgeting. This means you can integrate TPM into your existing AWS spend, making maintenance costs more transparent and easier to manage alongside your cloud infrastructure.

Additionally, purchasing ReluTech’s Elastic Maintenance through AWS Marketplace can help customers burn down their Enterprise Discount Program (EDP) commitments. By aligning your TPM spend with your AWS consumption, you’re not only optimizing your on-prem infrastructure support but also accelerating your path toward fulfilling EDP obligations. It’s a win-win—simplifying procurement, reducing costs, and getting more value out of your AWS investment, all through a trusted marketplace.

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Hybrid IT Isn’t Going Away

For many businesses, a hybrid IT setup—where cloud and on-premises systems work together—is the long-term reality. Even after a move to AWS, there are often legacy systems, storage devices, and networking gear that need attention. That’s where ReluTech’s TPM expertise is invaluable.

By offering flexible, scalable maintenance options, ReluTech helps businesses manage their hybrid infrastructure efficiently, ensuring that aging hardware doesn’t become a bottleneck. Our TPM services are built to support these environments, providing tailored solutions to keep everything running while companies fully leverage AWS.

Accelerate Cloud Migration with ReluTech Elastic Maintenance

Looking to speed up your AWS migration while avoiding costly OEM contracts? ReluTech Elastic Maintenance is the cloud acceleration solution you need. With flexible, pay-as-you-go maintenance options, you can unlock the full value of your current infrastructure while transitioning to AWS. No long-term contracts, just cost-effective support that scales with your business needs.

ReluTech Elastic Maintenance isn’t just about extending the life of your hardware—it’s about funding your cloud journey. Free up resources, reduce tech debt, and focus on growth while we take care of your legacy systems. Ready to accelerate your cloud migration? Contact ReluTech today to see how Elastic Maintenance can help you move to AWS faster, smarter, and more affordably.

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Looking Ahead: TPM's Role in AWS-Driven IT Environments

It’s clear that as more companies embrace AWS, TPM will remain a critical part of IT operations. Even in a cloud-first world, businesses need reliable, cost-effective solutions for maintaining their physical equipment. TPM isn’t just about keeping hardware alive—it’s about making smart choices for long-term success. With ReluTech’s help, businesses can continue to focus on the future, without forgetting the present.

In the end, TPM and AWS are better together, and ReluTech is leading the way, helping businesses make the most of their IT investments—on-prem, in the cloud, or somewhere in between.

Josiah Deegan

Josiah Deegan is our President here at ReluTech. In the office, Josiah oversees all of our Infrastructure and Maintenance Account Executives! Outside of the office, he enjoys fishing, mountain biking, and spending time with his family.
