Toys for Tots. Toys for Tech.

by ReluTech | 2015-12-11 | Culture Blogs

Since our inception, our CEO Mark Metz along with our leadership team have consistently emphasized the importance of giving back to the community. This charitable mission actually had the biggest impact on my decision to join the ReluTech team almost two years ago. One of the many ways we give back is by donating to Toys for Tots every December. From puzzles and books to dolls and toy cars, toys enrich a child’s mind and facilitate learning.

This great cause also gives us an opportunity to benefit our customers and prospects. Usually, the end of the year means the end of one budget and the start of another for IT, for organizations that have their fiscal year aligned with the calendar year. IT leaders find themselves trying to maximize their remaining budget because many will have to use it or lose it. Also on their radar is the deadline to plan for the new year. So much to do in so little time!

Now here’s how we can help. We came up with a unique way to align these needs by donating a toy when you let us quote something for you. We have found that the two biggest needs towards the end of the year are:

  1. IT Hardware
  2. Maintenance & Support Renewals

While these are both fairly straightforward and transactional, rather than sexy solution sells, it’s important to remember that they are business-critical. And for IT budgets that seem to get smaller each year, it’s important that companies realize how to leverage third-party maintenance and the pre-owned hardware market to maximize that budget for both needs.

One key challenge end-users face is getting year-end purchase transactions to hit their accounting books in time. For this to happen, the purchased items must ship before the end of the year. We solve this challenge by stocking hardware that can be quickly received, even at the last minute. Plus, we offer much deeper discounts than traditional VARs and distributors.

Another big challenge is maintenance renewals. Typically, companies want maintenance contracts co-termed to the end of year. As the days of 2015 swindle down, those contracts will expire soon. Many IT departments want to refresh, but they don’t have the budget available until the new year. IT professionals must also factor in the time required to migrate from the old systems to the new systems. How can you bridge that gap, safely and cost-effectively? With third party maintenance, you gain the flexibility to maintain that hardware on a short-term basis, rather than the full-year support the OEMs typically offer demand.

This holiday season, you can help your organization and also help a child in need by just requesting a quote. For every quote, we will donate a toy on your behalf. In fact, we plan on donating over $5,000 this year — so bring them on!


ReluTech is an IT solutions provider focused on reducing infrastructure data center costs. Our solution stack helps reduce the cost and complexity of managing, maintaining, and upgrading data center environments for cloud-committed customers. We offer:
