ReluTech Blog Posts

What You Need To Know About Prospecting

Prospecting is oftentimes a daunting term within sales. Most people equate prospecting to cold calling, cold emailing, and a slew of unsolicited touchpoints. They are not wrong; prospecting often feels like the uncomfortable annoyance of leads you so desperately want...

My Assets are Killing Me: Part 1

Why is 2020 different? In my introduction to the series, I discussed the incredible march of technological progress over the past 55 years, predicted by the famous Moore’s Law. In that time period, we have seen processing power increase by approximately 40% a year....

Justice League Runs For Justice

Pay It Forward is one of our six values here at ReluTech and it’s one of my personal favorites that I believe our employees truly live out. It brings together our small community, while also helping us reach out to the communities that surround us. In light of the...

Top 3 AWS Certifications in 2020

As public cloud adoption continues to increase, and with Amazon Web Services (AWS) leading the charge, cloud certifications are more prevalent than ever before. Not only is AWS the market leader in cloud adoption, but they are also the most seasoned cloud provider...

Faster Than Flash

One of my all-time favorite superheroes has always been The Flash! I mean, come on… what’s cooler than being able to run so fast that everything else appears to be standing still? I can l vividly remember when I was a kid and thinking I was the fastest runner in gym...
